Stream Explorer version 1.0.3 is a utility that identifies streams in your NTFS files. It has been developed with from the keen knowledge of Jürgen Gärtner.
If you are less familiar with the concept of streams, here is the short of it. Streams are the ‘strands’ in files, mostly on standard Windows NT files where hardware and operational information is kept, that contain data. In most cases files would contain one data stream, which is identified in the directory as an ‘unnamed’ stream. This will always be the default stream, which will become the main data source. However thanks to this program, multiple streams can now be identified in files. These additional streams contain useful information, but could also contain destructive data.
Whatever the data you need, Stream Explorer 1.0.3 will allow users to trace these streams. It will be able to identify the number of streams. It will also reveal their format their type, their size and ultimately their content, making your PCs operational functions more transparent and manageable. One does not need to be a software engineer to understand that this is a valuable functionality as data flow and transparency on your PC is obviously an area where you would want to have the greatest control.